Students in Middle Years are expected to be more independent than students in Early Years. While Class 1 students have an assistant teacher to support them in the classroom, this is not the case in classes 2 - 4.
In classes 1- 4 students have more teachers and are expected to be able to move from place to place, such as the music room, or the playground, in a sensible, safe way, with less supervision.
During these four years the demands of reading and writing increase. If some students are falling behind they are expected to attend the extra tuition provided, free of cost, in order to upgrade to the requirement.
Students of Middle Years are expected to be punctual. Latecomers have to complete a late slip and a record of lateness is maintained.
As in all sections of the school, the students are expected to wear their school uniform smartly, and proudly. Also, they are expected to look after their appearance and maintain an appropriate smart, sober, conscientious demeanour.
It is important that parents and teachers maintain a dialogue so that any problems are dealt with promptly, and so that parents are aware of the curriculum and how they can support their child.